Breen Ouellette wrote:
> Han Boetes wrote:
> > Anything which is favourable to you, but not to corperations may
> > get you called communist.  If you are that easily subdued you
> > might as well donate your money directly to the corporations.
> >
> > Yes I am a communist, since I believe we should take proper care
> > of this planet instead of filling the pockets of a few wealty
> > people with paper.
> While I have nothing against your embracing communism, as I
> believe everyone should have the right to hold the beliefs they
> see fit, I do not believe that communism is about taking "proper
> care of this planet instead of filling the pockets of a few
> wealty people with paper". I have seen communism first hand in
> China and it still amounts to giving a select few enormous power
> over the many. Whether people are wealthy through money or
> control of the military, human greed and ambition make labels
> like capitalism and communism irrelevant, as there will always
> be people trying to get to the top of the system, no matter what
> that system may be.
> If communism is about taking proper care of the planet then
> China wouldn't be accelerating toward becoming the dirtiest
> place on the earth right now.
> Also, I am sick of being called a communist whenever I suggest
> that corporations should be held to task. I don't trust anyone
> or anything, so if you want to label me so that I fit into your
> small minded world, then get it right and call me PARANOID. (not
> aimed directly at you Han, just generally at those who wish to
> label me)
> This philosophical discussion is outside of the scope of misc@
> and very unlikely to go anywhere productive, so I am pulling
> myself out of it.  Please don't reply. Thanks.

Why do you insult communism by mentioning fascism and then say I
should not even reply?

I'd rather have you don't reply.

# Han

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