On 10/5/06, Aaron Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So in the end, we can't expect anything to happen if a people don't
really care. People can't put in external protections to assure the
safety of their ideas, it is the responsibility of people to ensure
that such things are protected, and right now, there aren't many people
concerned with that relative to the opposition or the complacents.

You are absolutely in the wrong. We can expect action and should
as such demand it. If people "don't really care" then that is their
fault, as they will inevitably fall to the desires of "people who do
care". We are the ones who care about the freedom of our
software. We who have our heads screwed on tightly,
will move to action for what we believe in. How big
of a group we are has nothing to do with whats
going on here.

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