I totally agree with Siju on this. Living in a 3rd world country, as I
guess he also lives, I am pretty sure that a laptop isn't at all
important for disadvantaged children, as said.

REAL need in our countries are, as previously said, for food, health
care and good education. The most urgent of them all is for food, so I
could bet anything that a "disadvantaged children" wouldn't think
twice if he/she could sell the useless laptop in exchange for some
money, or such. Moreover, there isn't easy access to internet
connections in 3rd world countries, so the laptop is even MORE useless
than ever.

All that said, these "disadvantaged children" talk is clearly a load
of bullshit. No doubt OLPC is after money, and only that.

PS: I feel happy everyday to read the emails at [EMAIL PROTECTED] it reinforces
my beliefs in truly Free software and, of course, in OpenBSD. Keep it

On 10/6/06, Siju George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/6/06, Jack J. Woehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     Free and open software is a means to an end, rather than the
> >     sole end unto itself for OLPC.
> >
> > I was totally stunned by this admission.  "morally bankrupt", as Bob
> > says, is exactly what is going on.
> Hmm, sounds like you are saying that abstract goal of unlimited
> software freedom is
> a higher goal than providing access to modern technology to
> disadvantaged children in
> 3rd-world countries.

If the real concern is for *disadvantaged children* in third world
countries then giving them a laptop is the most ridiculous idea ever

Some time back I saw a cartoon. One of the 3rd world countries blasted
their nuclear bomb and was proud of it. Proud that they were in par
with the others in the West. While their people were still begging and
starving in the streets and villages.

The cartoon showed a poor beggar sitting on the street with torn
clothes with the beggars basin to reveive a missile sent to it.

In  the third world the basic necissities are food, water, clothing,
shelter, medical care etc.
Disadvantaged children could care less about a stupid laptop when they
have had no meal for a week and are tired of the sun while watching
their siblings dying of cholera.

Getting a laptop to a child for low cost seems to be a noble idea on
the outside.
add a *3rd-world country* phase and you get a more polished *charity
painted/noble* image.

I don't think OLPC it that great!. It is another form of business.
They have seen a market. They want to reach it. thats all!

Mostly people who applaude such endeavours *do not have any idea* of
the issues of the third world countries.

I am not angry Jack.
But When I find people *over nobleizing* at the expense of the 3rd
world countries I think I need to say this.

Kind Regards



 Felipe Brant Scarel
 PATUX/OpenBSD Project Leader (http://www.patux.cic.unb.br)

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