On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 08:54:35PM +0200, Falk Husemann wrote:
> Hello List!
> We're trying to put an old server to good use again and would like to  
> know what's exactly the oldest machine running OpenBSD?
> As machine we defined something with processor, ram, network, hard  
> disk and a connection to the internet. So no Newton or toaster (at  
> least not if there's no disk being toasted).

The oldest one I have is a 486DX33 with 48Mb of RAM and 2 small IDE
drives.  It's an old PC which was never intended to be a server, and
all it does is dhcp and dns on a small field office. (ISC dhcp and

I bought a Soekris net4801 to replace it last year, but took it home
instead, since the old one keeps working fine.  It's still running
3.6.  I'm sure there are older ones (particularly non-i386 hardware)
still running.

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