On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 05:16:05PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> Hi Claudio,
> first, I'd like to thank you for your comment.
> On Fri, 13.10.2006 at 16:00:55 +0200, Claudio Jeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 500kpps sustained is a crazy amount of packets (especially think about
> > possible peaks). Currently you can fine tune a OpenBSD box to do over
> > 450kpps but there is not much headroom left for peaks.
> Well, before specifying that packet rate, I skimmed the performance
> figures of 7206VXRs which can be made to go up to 2Mpps (using NPE-G2),
> and this gear is afair rated for a few 100MBit/s. So... when attempting
> to size such stuff, I wanted to make sure that the box holds up in case
> of DDoS and (eg.) not crash due to overload.

Cisco can do 2Mpps on the G2 only in some cases (e.g. you only use the
gigabit interfaces and no acls) but honestly the NPE-G2 is currently out
of reach for any of BSDs.

> > It is better to split the load on two routers that do 250kpps each.
> Erm, how do I do that on a single line?!?

You can't.

> > Additionally get a fast single CPU i386 (I would use a AMD Opteron in i386
> > mode) and good network cards. This currently gives you the best bang for
> > the bucks.
> Is there anything wrong with using an Opteron chip in amd64 mode?

Yes. There is a amd64 specific "bug" hidden somewhere deep down in lowcore
that caused my box to saturate at 80kpps instead of 480kpps.
I tested it about one year ago but I don't think the situation changed

> Wrt. network cards, I think I'm looking at bge or sk cards unless you
> want to suggest something else.

I tested em(4) and bge(4) both did fine. I was not able to test sk(4) or
msk(4) (I don't own such cards).

> > Btw. 500kpps traffic as seen on the net is more than 3Gbps.
> Maybe, but it depends on your traffic characteristic... If it's only
> web surfing, FTP or email, then I tend to agree. Ok, I relax to
> 200kpps, but it needs to do a little pf, carp, and a few BGP sessions
> (full table).

You need to test it your self. That's why you have a testlab to gauge your
systems. Especially the impact of pf(4) depends on the ruleset, carp and
bgpd should not matter.

:wq Claudio

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