On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 10:04:28AM -0600, Stephen Bosch wrote:
> > Maybe the cf card had some problems from the beginning
> > or maybe it happened at the copy process.
> Is it a random thing, or can I reliably expect this to happen every time?

I saw this thing happen only 2 times, at the first boot and
at the second boot process, only to prove it is really 
happening. In my case i took out the card and format it and
installed openbsd again. Just because i am a little paranoid
and i do not think starting with errors and problems is a good
way for a fresh love between you and your computer ;)

I tried it several times with different devices, all i can
say is, it happens not everytime i installed it.
I tried it often, because i wanted to know why it happend,
all i found out was, that this usb device are not very 

> I should point out that I've been generating the disklabels manually
> from text. Could that be the problem?

I doubt it, i think if you generating the disklabel and did not
show up with any errors, so why should that happen at boottime.
But if someone knows more about it please tell me, i am always
happy to learn more!

I think we had this type of thread some months before and
not only me called this usb devices crappy shit.

joerg "joerch" buechner

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