On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 11:40:16PM +0100, Niall O'Higgins wrote:
> Hi,
> marco@ could desperately use an IBM Thinkpad for his ACPI work.  This
> work is very important and many of us really want to get him this
> hardware.  Everyone with a laptop running OpenBSD will likely benefit
> from marco's work. 
> Unfortunately no individual has yet stepped up and given him one.  So
> I have started a pool to buy him one. 
> We need approximately $1200 USD to get him a T42 + docking station (which
> is required to get a serial port for kernel hacking). 
> If you want to help get marco a Thinkpad, please donate via PayPal to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I've personally donated $100, and a number of
> other OpenBSD users have donated similar sums already.  Remember that
> the Euro is quite strong vs. the US dollar at the moment, so Euro
> donations go even further.  I'm afraid I don't have the resources to
> deal with anything other than PayPayl, so you if you can't use PayPal,
> sorry. 
> Any money left over from the laptop donations will be given to the
> OpenBSD project.  Please feel free to email me any suggestions or
> inquiries, and of course spread the word!

I'm working on selling my current laptop so I could buy a ThinkPad,
which I was thinking of loaning for a time. But that's still in the
future, so it doesn't count for anything.

Instead, I went ahead and chipped in through paypal. If even a tiny
fraction of the people on this list pitch in just a bit each then it'll
be done. And you *know* you'd get benefit from ACPI support.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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