
I've been playing with dump(8) recently and have tried two different
ways of using it: backing up to a file on a USB drive, and backing up
to a remote box by specifying a remote file and using SSH in lieu of
RSH. I was also planning to try to write to a file on a remote machine
via NFS but I haven't had the time to try this.

I was planning to try to boot another computer using 'bsd.rd' on an
OpenBSD install CD, skip the install script, label and newfs the
appropriate partitions, and see if I could restore that system to a
previous state using the dumps.

However I noticed that 'ssh' or 'mount_nfs' do not seem to be
available on 'bsd.rd'.

So my question is this: is doing a remote network restore using
'bsd.rd' at all possible (or even suggested/recommended) or are
directly attached devices (IDE/SCSI/USB drives & tapes drives) the
only supported restore(8) sources with 'bsd.rd'?

Note: although I've used ufsdump and ufsrestore about five years ago
on a Solaris box with an attached tape drive, I haven't played with
backups on UN*X in a long while and I'm not very familiar with it
anymore, so forgive me if my question is stupid in any way.


"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them."

                                                  --Bill Vaughan

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