I have also been looking for this information

Sam Fourman Jr.

On 10/29/06, Paul Pruett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Looking for docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD

I am trying to implement cyrus-imap on OpenBSD sendmail for virtual
hosting with support for  pop3, imap (localhost), and smtp-auth.

I've googled so much information with that just did not quite fit
that it is daunting for those of us who are unfamiliar with ldap.

I have made some progress like I had actually hacked cyrus-imap to
use the mysql for authentication, got cyradm to work by modifying
/etc/hosts and so on..., was making that progress till I found that
saslauthd will not support SQL, so I could not
go that way for smtp-auth with sendmail.

After that endeavor I decided that I will need bite the bullet and
become proficient with open-ldap because both sendmail and cyrus-imap
appear to have mature support for LDAP, unlike mysql.

(and yes I've read a thousand times that LDAP is more appropriate than SQL
for non relational lookups...,  I have also been told that I should give
up sendmail and use postfix, but I have a lot of investment in labor on
our sendmail milter setups...)

THAT said, if someone has good documentation links, helpful suggestions,
or would not mind filling in the gaps offline - I would appreciate it.

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