On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 08:24:16PM -0700, George Mihai IACOB wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a not-so-experienced programmer and I started a personal project 
> which requires a deep understanding of the OpenBSD kernel - no, I am not 
> going to fork another BSD style operating system. I wonder if there is 
> documentation describing the kernel, other that the comments in the 
> source. For a start, I am reading Andrew Tanenbaum's "Modern Operating 
> Systems", 2nd edition and trying to follow the code in the kernel 
> source, starting with sys/kern/init_main.c
> Is this a wrong approach? Do you have other suggestions? I know there's 
> no easy way and I am not looking for one, all I want is a starting point.
> Regards,
> George

You don't mention what you had in mind so it is hard to point at anything.
"The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System" by
McKusick and friends is likely to be more relevant for implementation
details, Tanebaum's book is more high level theory.

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