Various wrote:
> > I MUST be missing something simple - has nobody else seen this?
> Ian Darwin has a laptop that is mostly busy handling an interrupt
> storm.

Yup.  Lots of possibilities.  Before spending too much time diagnosing
any one theory, you need to come up with a way to triage theories.

Some possible causes:
        slow cpu -- wrong clock speed?
                broken cache?  bizarre bus problem?
        interrupt load
                serial?  network?  something else?
        disk subsystem
                many.  ata dma is a common culprit.
                but a ufs filesystem nearly out of space
                will perform pretty badly even on good hw.

So some early experiments you should try:

        vmstat 10
                On an idle system: should report 99-100% idle,
                low counts on interrupts, no paging, etc.  Run on
                both bad & good system, compare results.

        time openssl speed rc4
                this is a 100% cpu-bound case.  
                If it doesn't come up with similar numbers,
                you know it's not a disk problem.  If the user
                time isn't nearly equal to elapsed time,
                you know something is stealing cpu, otherwise,
                you know the cpu is doing something bizarre.

        time dd </dev/rwd0c >/dev/null bs=100k count=1000
                this should be fast, user & system time should
                be low, etc.  Significant system time means
                you should investigate dma options on your
                local disk.

        time tar xf ...
                (unpack something new; don't unpack over something
                that exists; you want to allocate directory entries, inodes,
                and filespace.)
                this will catch ufs weirdness.

Once you know which of these has problems, then you can start
chasing down that branch.

                                        -Marcus Watts

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