It seems to me that such a license would be too restrictive for many.
The goal of OpenBSD (AFAIK) is not to force or coerce lock-in to a
single OS - that's Microsoft's turf :)

Gustavo Rios wrote:
> Dear list members,
> i am planning to write a software system and would like to release it
> for the community. But, i would like to promote, some how, people
> usage of OpenBSD operating system, no one else.
> My ideia is to elaborate a license that allows only for openbsd
> installation to have installed my sources. Any other operating system
> would need (must) download only the *.o object code and clue them
> together.
> Is there the possibility that such would be seen with bad ideia from
> the openbsd community (i don't care for now on concerns about other
> OSes).
> thanks in advance.
> best regards.

Joel Goguen
Bachelor of Computer Science III
University of New Brunswick

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