ahem... I did this, of course...

2006/11/28, Bruno Carnazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
2006/11/28, Vim Visual <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As I wrote in the previous email, I have pkg_add'ed the damien firmware.
> this means that I did
> sudo pkg_add 
> the files
> /etc/firmware/iwi-license
> /etc/firmware/iwi-boot
> /etc/firmware/iwi-bss
> /etc/firmware/iwi-ibss
> /etc/firmware/iwi-monitor
> /etc/firmware/iwi-ucode-bss
> /etc/firmware/iwi-ucode-ibss
> /etc/firmware/iwi-ucode-monitor
> are there and dmesg | grep iwi tells me that the adpater has been
> recognized during the boot process; what's more, I get *something*
> like
> # ifconfig iwi0
> iwi0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>         nwid ""
>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect
>         status: no network

# ifconfig iwi0 up

> but I am missing the "powersave" line. I don't know whether this is
> related to the problem.
> It cannot be a hardware problem because the crashbox with the debian
> variant ubuntu recognised the chip and I was able to connect to my
> nwid
> I am wondering whether this has something to do with the encryption
> bit rate... I see that the maximum is 104-bit and I don't remember
> which rate I chose (the wlan modem is at home, I am in the office now)
> Mmmh... maybe I should try to switch off the wep and see what happens...
> 2006/11/28, Der Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Did you install the firmware?
> >
> > On 11/28/06, Vim Visual <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am still testing a "crashbox" (not bad, from zero to a full OpenBSD
> > > system including port trees in less than a week, my first OpenBSD system 
:) )
> > > but I have now an issue with the wlan connection. The card is an Intel
> > > PRO/Wireless
> > > 2200BG
> > >
> > > First of all: I have read the man pages (good boy, good boy! arf, arf!)
> > >
> > > My net:
> > >
> > > nwid: pepitogrillo
> > >
> > > nwkey: eltrenloco
> > >
> > > (hahaha!)
> > >
> > > I have pkg_add'ed the damien firmware.
> > >
> > > But still I cannot connect. My command line is
> > >
> > > sudo ifconfig iwi0 nwkey eltrenloco nwid pepitogrillo
> > >
> > > (I hope that the order of the factors doesn't alter the product! Is
> > > iwi an abelian group? )
> > >
> > > and then
> > >
> > > sudo dhclient iwi0
> > >
> > > After the first DHCPDISCOVER on iwi0 to I get
> > > "send_packet: No buffer space available", this goes on some 12 times
> > > and then No DHCPOFFERS received and No working leases in presistent
> > > database - sleeping
> > >
> > > I cannot show you dmesg because, as a matter of fact, the crashbox
> > > doesn't have connection :) And I don't feel like typping everything!
> > >
> > > Trying it via /etc/hostname.iwi0 doesn't help
> > >
> > > Any hint? (I am sure yes!)
> > >
> > > thanks in advance,
> > >
> > > Pau
> > >
> > > PS: The "send_packet: No buffer space available" disappears after a
> > > sudo ifconfig iwi0 down, sudo ifwonfig iwi0 up

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