Okay guys, I posted that long message about Firefox/etc on Windows
Vista a couple of days ago.

After I re-read my post and looked at the tcpdump output, and chatting
with a friend of mine who also runs several OBSD firewalls at his
company which exhibited the same EXACT problem when my Vista installs
attempted to connect... I think we've figured it out.

I remember that Vista (and presumably Longhorn Server) have a
completely re-written TCP stack by Microsoft. They've put in all kinds
of new stuff. One of which is Receive Window Auto-Tuning.

I noticed in my tcpdump the following lines:

From Opera/Firefox:

20:40:45.824144 my.workstation.ip.49370 > remote.server.ip.80: S
1215871830:1215871830(0) win 8192 <mss 1380,nop,wscale
8,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
20:38:25.198320 remote.server.ip.80 > my.workstation.ip.49357: S
852828096:852828096(0) ack 643900712 win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,wscale

From IE 7:

20:39:08.834465 my.workstation.ip.49358 > remote.server.ip.80: S
4155969795:4155969795(0) win 8192 <mss 1380,nop,wscale
2,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
20:39:08.835095 remote.server.ip.80 > my.workstation.ip.49358: S
3294485308:3294485308(0) ack 4155969796 win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,wscale

Notice the window scale is 2 for IE, and 8 for Firefox/Opera.

From the following MS blog @

Note: Some Internet gateway devices and firewalls block packet flows
because they do not correctly interpret the scaling factor used in TCP
connections. Because of this, Internet Explorer in Windows Vista uses
an initial scaling factor of 2. Other applications use a default
initial scaling factor of 8.

After doing the new Vista-equivilent of sudo and elevating my command
shell to Administrator mode, I was able to use the following command
to disable window scaling completely:

C:\windows\system32> netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Once I performed this command, Firefox/Opera/Remote Desktop Connection
all function once more as expected.

Now, as I am clearly looking at the window scale issue here, I had
found a thread at
http://archive.openbsd.nu/?ml=openbsd-pf&a=2006-07&t=2147873 where
Daniel Hartmeier comments there are three things that need to be done
to have state created correctly:

 a) there is a default block policy
 b) all 'pass' rules that can match TCP have 'flags S/SA'
 c) all 'pass' rules have 'keep state'

Here is what I am seeing inside PF with the connections in question:

Nov 26 23:09:36.970856 rule 80/(match) pass in on fxp1:
my.workstation.ip.59970 > remote.server.ip.443: [|tcp] (DF)

Then if I pull the 80th rule out:

@80 pass in log quick on fxp1 inet proto tcp from any to
remote.server.ip port = https flags S/SA keep state label "ExchangeIn"

Now, I can easily see that I am matching B and C of Daniel's list,
however A is a bit more in question from my point of view.

The rules I do have are:

@47 block drop in log on fxp1 all label "DefaultBlock"

@48 block return-rst in log on fxp1 proto tcp all label "DefaultBlock"

@49 block return-icmp(port-unr, port-unr) in log on fxp1 proto udp all
label "DefaultBlock"

So, it appears I have condition A matched as well. I do have a line regarding:

@95 pass in quick on fxp0 inet proto tcp from <lan:1> to any flags
S/SA keep state label "lanOUT"

That should not come into play here at all, as again it is creating
state on a Syn, not a Syn Ack.

However, after testing on this system, I am thinking I am filtering
wrong here. Here is what I have found as the full story of what is
going on:

Connection is open:

Nov 27 12:09:07.978281 rule 80/(match) pass in on fxp1:
my.workstation.ip.62658 > remote.server.ip.443: [|tcp] (DF)

Two state entries are created:

all tcp remote.server.ip:443 <- remote.server.ip:443 <-
my.workstation.ip:62658       ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED
  [4265902579 + 65535]  [1356591875 + 65535]
  age 00:01:08, expires in 119:59:09, 12:9 pkts, 2014:5401 bytes, rule 80
  id: 453e890500b00c1e creatorid: 19ad04b2
all tcp my.workstation.ip:62658 <- remote.server.ip:443
  [1356591875 + 65535]  [4265902579 + 65535]
  age 00:01:08, expires in 119:59:09, 9:11 pkts, 5401:1966 bytes, rule 96
  id: 453e890500b00c1f creatorid: 19ad04b2

Rules that match the state entries:

@80 pass in log quick on fxp1 inet proto tcp from any to
remote.server.ip port = https flags S/SA keep state label "ExchangeIn"
 [ Evaluations: 5000      Packets: 204       Bytes: 50906       States: 5     ]
 [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 806 ]
@95 pass in quick on fxp0 inet proto tcp from <lan:1> to any flags
S/SA keep state label "lanOUT"
 [ Evaluations: 417330    Packets: 60770372  Bytes: 36986041704  States: 771  ]
 [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 6307 ]
@96 pass in quick on fxp0 from <lan:1> to any keep state label "lanOUT"
 [ Evaluations: 429312    Packets: 9560597   Bytes: 5957780712  States: 135   ]
 [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 6307 ]

Now, it is looking to me like the issue is a second state entry is
created by that rule 96. When it is modified to be only protocol UDP,
traffic through the FW stops due to the rules:

block             in  log                     from any     to any
label "DefaultBlock"
block             in  log on { $ext_if }           all
label "DefaultBlock"
block return-rst  in  log on { $ext_if } proto tcp all
label "DefaultBlock"
block return-icmp in  log on { $ext_if } proto udp all
label "DefaultBlock"

I think the reason for this misunderstanding on my part is I could
have sworn that state is checked before rules. However, the Syn Ack
from internal is being blocked on the internal interface due to the
block any from any rule.

I have heard it said that it makes no sense to filter on two
interfaces, best to pass on one and block on the other. In this case
it is a multi-legged firewall, and filtering on only one interface is
not an option.

So my question here now is, what is the accepted fix for this? As the
Syn Ack is not hitting the existing state entry, but instead creating
a new one, and if that rule is removed just being blocked, how do I
let the Syn Ack hit the initial state entry?


-- Rev

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