On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> 2 humble suggestions to make my server OS of choice even better.
> I seem to have found a bug in ksh:
> Here is a sample that doesn't behave as I'd expect it to.
> # demo=""
> #  if [ "$demo" == "-n" -o "$demo" == "-e" ]; then
> > echo bar
> > fi
> # demo="-n"
> #  if [ "$demo" == "-n" -o "$demo" == "-e" ]; then
> > echo bar
> > fi
> ksh: [: -n: unexpected operator/operand
> IMHO, I'd consider it a bug, since the correctness of syntax must
> not change with the value of the variable. 

It's probably more of a feature.  Probably the correct name for
it is a "wart".  The nature of name expansion in ksh, and the
syntax of the [ and other things is such that demo="" should
correctly expand to <nothing>, but the syntax of [ wants
<something> before a ==.  So in this sense, it is not a bug.
It's a disappointment, maybe.

The idiom used when a null value of "demo" matters is:

# demo=""
# if [ X"demo" == X"-n" -o X"demo" == X"-e" ]; then
> echo bar
> fi

You'll see this throughout scripts in OpenBSD, see /etc/rc for examples

> AFAIK, this syntax is considered correct generally; if not, please
> advise me.

If you mean "generally in the world of Bourne and Korn shells", then
no, it's not correct.  If you mean "generally when considering language
design" then I agree.  It all hinges around the nature of name
expansion in ksh/sh, i.e. the way sh parses a command line, which is
in various passes.  The man page for ksh will provide insight.


> Secondly, I still need to resort to gtar for the backup of my users' home
> directories (you know those silly long filenames in WORD).
> I understand it is just a frontend to pax ? If it could process

The system tar is a frontend to pax.  I don't know about gtar.

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