On 12/16/06, Stephen Schaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday it inexplicably went dark. I went down to check it out, and
hooked up the monitor and keyboard. I could see the welcoming login
prompt, but it wouldn't accept any input. It wasn't accepting any
pings from a remote system on the network either. The only word I
have for that is frozen - if there's better terminology out there -
please let me know.

Anyway, after hard booting the machine, and rebuilding the raid - I
checked all the log files I could think of and can't find a thing.
Nada. Then - it went down again today! I'm not sure what to do now.

Sounds like a physical problem.  I've seen this type of "hard freeze"
with bad power, RAM, motherboard, or CPU,.  The problem is often
related to heat.

If you can take it out of production for half a day or so, I would try
UBCD, starting with the memory tests.



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