Stephen Schaff wrote:
> Yesterday it inexplicably went dark.
> wd0(pciide1:0:0): timeout
>     type: ata
>     c_bcount: 65536
>     c_skip: 0
> pciide1:0:0: bus-master DMA error: missing interrupt, status=0x21
> wd0d: device timeout reading fsbn 234162112 of 234162112-234162239 (wd0
> bn 235334857; cn 14648 tn 233 sn 58), retrying
> wd0: soft error (corrected)
> wd0(pciide1:0:0): timeout
>     type: ata
>     c_bcount: 65536
>     c_skip: 0
> pciide1:0:0: bus-master DMA error: missing interrupt, status=0x21
... more of those IDE errors ...

Maybe dying disks?

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