On Wed, 03 Jan 2007 21:07:16 +0100, "Patrick Useldinger"
> Jack J. Woehr wrote:
> > The real problem is that when outsiders stumble into our newsgroups,  
> > we shriek, "Ni! Ni!" and
> > demand another shrubbery. Maybe we should just chill out a bit.
> True. I'm currently evaluating OpenBSD and I am trying to understand the 
> mindset of OpenBSD users by reading the newsgroups. And this thread *is* 
> strange.

Many people claim these lists are unfriendly. I say this is not true.
I have made some very boneheaded statements here and I was
treated far more civilly than I deserved. :-
It's been my observation, that to get attacked requires the poster
to go out of their way to be obnoxious.
Not to say that there are not any touchy subjects. :-)

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