On Sun, 28 Jan 2007, Patrick Useldinger wrote:

> Guys,
> this is all turning to complete bullshit, and it's not only my fault.
> If anyone actually cared reading my post, my question was simple:
> ==> where is the disklabel stored, and what is its size? <==

Strange that nobody distilled that form your original post...

I interpreted your questions as being why do the disklabels overlap.

> The question was generic, and I wanted a generic answer. Not the answer to the
> question "where is MY disklabel stored in MY specific case". Now asking for a
> dmesg, fdisk or disklabel output makes no sense. Nor do the answers from your
> RTFM-bots. What's next - my social security number?

There is no generic answer, this is dependent on platform, disk
geomtry, existence of (extended) DOS partitions and who knows what

Note your original post does not mention even which platform you are

For i386, check sys/arch/i386/i386/disksubr.c for the gory details.
But for all practical purposes, the advise from the FAQ for i386 is
sound: skip the first track.

As for the rest of your post. So your question got misinterpreted.
Big deal, instead of just refusing to give extra info and annoying the
people trying to help you, you could have reformulated or elaborated
on your question to clear things up.


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