On Sunday 28 January 2007 17:47, Patrick Useldinger wrote:
> christian widmer wrote:
> > man ccd:
> >  "Note that the `raw' partitions of the disks should not be combined.
> > Each component partition should be offset at least one cylinder from the
> > beginning of the component disk."
> What is a "raw" partition in that case? In the examples I found, the
> members of the ccd disk were always wdxy such as wd1a, wd1b, which is
> exactly what I did.
the 'raw' partition of /dev/wd1d is /dev/rwd1d

> > see also thread on misc:
> >     CCD: started on 17 jan 2007 by Chris Mika
> I did. But in that thread it doesn't become clear how much space to skip.
but i did mention it in my first reply. 
 1. man page sais 'one cylinder' 
 2. you need to look at the output of disklabel o calculate how much this is. 

> > i used 'disklabel -e ccd0' to change the type to 'unused'. after that i
> > created one big partition 'd' on the ccd0 drive.
> Does the name really matter? Whether your partition is called 'a' or
> 'd', doesn't the disklabel get stored into the beginning of the first
> partition anyway?
the name at least matters sometimes. as a said i'm not sure if it matters
in your case - i did not read the code. but the `a' partition of the boot 
disk is the root partition, and the `b' partition of the boot disk is the 
swap partition and the 'c' partition is the whole drive. 
this does not say it is not possible to use 'a' on wd1 as long a it is not 
your boot disk. never the less i never play with the a, b, c's where not
explicitly required.


> -pu

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