On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 05:09:09PM -0500, Josh Grosse wrote:
> I have a small network with a central backup server; backup has been to
> hard drive, compressed.
> I have begun experimenting with using dump(8) to split partitions in to
> manageable units for burning onto DVD+RW.
> I am posting to see if anyone else is using dump with optical media; I'm 
> interested in finding out whether there is a better way than how I am
> currently accomplishing it.
> -----
> I have been using ISO9660, and carving each DVD+RW disc into 2 logical dump 
> volumes to get past ISO9660 filesize limitations.  I've also been using a 
> hard 
> drive as temporary storage.  And I have been using 32kb blocksizes, since that
> is what growisofs uses.  For example:
>       dump -0B 2294928 -b 32 -f file1,file2,file3,... /path/to/backups
>       growisofs -Z /dev/rcd0c -r file1 file2
>       growisofs -Z /dev/rcd0c -r file3 file4
>       growisofs -Z /dev/rcd0c -r file5 ...
> I have yet to figure out how to burn dump volumes directly to the disc without
> a filesystem, and then *cleanly* restore.  For example:
>       dump -0B 4590208 -b 2 -f /dev/rcd0c /path/to/backups
> In addition, I have been forced to use hard drive as working space.  I have
> not been able to get named pipes working with dump, and it will not split
> std output into volumes.  
> Does anyone have a better way?

ISTR that there was a piece of software called 'shunt' that would pipe a
specified amount of data into certain commands, then close and re-open
the pipe. This is basically what split does, but writing to a pipe
instead of files.

Otherwise, try:


dump ... | {
        while dd bs=$BIGNUM count=$BIGNUM2 | \
            mkisofs -stream-media-size $SIZE ... | \
            cdrecord ...; do
                echo "Burned CD $i - press return to continue";
                read </dev/tty;

Or some variant on the above that actually works (dd might or might not
be necessary, for example).

You'd have to try a couple shells to figure out whether you can get by
with /bin/sh, or if you really need ksh.

Of course, the only way to restore is piping all STREAM.IMG on all those
DVDs into a similar script.


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