On 2/7/07, Darren Spruell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/7/07, Lawrence Horvath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get my openbsd 4.0 box to allow remote ssh logins using
> an rsa key,
> i added the key into my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and set
> permissions on ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to 0600

Verify that the user itself is the owner of these files, not root or
anyone else.

Verified ownership of the file is the user, both owner and group

> i added the rsa of its self, for testing, however i cant seem to get
> an ssh session to authenticate with out the password

Are there any line breaks in the copied key? 'cat -e
~/.ssh/authorized_keys' might reveal these kind of oopses.

used the cat -e command, no line breaks

Did you place the exact contents of id_{rsa,dsa}.pub and not id_{rsa,dsa}?

I did
$cd ~/.ssh
$cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

so yes it would be the exact contents

> ssh-rsa AAAA.....==

There's no reason to obfuscate this. Your public key is not sensitive.


and made sure of the file permissions
~/.ssh is 0700
~/.ssh/authorized_keys is 0600

-Student ID 1028219

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