in /etc/sysctl.conf, the net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 and in /etc/resolv.conf i 
added a valid public
ip address as well.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a icrit :
>> Anyone,
>> I have one OpenBGP machine running OpenBGPd that is currently connected to 
>> the Internet running
>> OpenBGPd.  Furthermore, it has two NIC interfaces. The external NIC is 
>> designated as xl0(3com)
>> whereas the internal NIC is rl0(rtlink). From the internal NIC, I connected 
>> it to another
>> OpenBSD
>> machine running OpenBPGd. I run ospfd and bgpd in these two machines. The 
>> results for both
>> bgpctl
>> and ospfctl showed that bgp and ospf is working.
>> But from the OpenBSD machine behind the one that has internet connection, I 
>> cannot ping the
>> internet. I added entries in /etc/resolv.conf and an entry /etc/sysctl.conf 
>> has been commented
>> out.
> Which one ? net.inet.ip.forwarding ?
> --
> Ronnie Garcia <r.garcia at ovea dot com>

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