These are my configurations:

OpenBSD With Internet And OpenBGP Running

external ip xl0(internet): <some-public-ip>
internal ip rl0:

$ sudo bgpctl -n show summary
Neighbor             AS    MsgRcvd    MsgSent    OutQ  Up/Down  State/PrefixRcvd      65533       2723       2726     0 08:50:13      0

OpenBSD machine that established BGP session to the gateway

$ sudo bgpctl -n show summary
Neighbor             AS    MsgRcvd    MsgSent    OutQ  Up/Down  State/PrefixRcvd      65535       1057       1058     0 08:47:34      1

Checking the RIB

$ sudo bgpctl show rib
flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete

flags destination         gateway          lpref   med aspath origin
AI*>            100     0 i
*    100     0 65535 i

Checking the RIB

$ sudo bgpctl show fib
flags: * = valid, B = BGP, C = Connected, S = Static
       N = BGP Nexthop reachable via this route
       r = reject route, b = blackhole route

flags destination          gateway
*CN   link#1
*S r
*S r  ::/96                ::1
*S r  ::/104               ::1
*     ::1/128              ::1
*S r  ::      ::1
*S r  ::      ::1
*S r  ::      ::1
*S r  ::ffff:    ::1
*S r  2002::/24            ::1
*S r  2002:7f00::/24       ::1
*S r  2002:e000::/20       ::1
*S r  2002:ff00::/24       ::1
*S r  fe80::/10            ::1
*C    fe80::%rl0/64        link#1
 C    fe80::%dc0/64        link#2
*C    fe80::%xl0/64        link#3
*     fe80::%lo0/64        fe80::1%lo0
*S r  fec0::/10            ::1
*     ff01::/32            ::1
*C    ff02::%rl0/32        link#1
 C    ff02::%dc0/32        link#2
*C    ff02::%xl0/32        link#3
*     ff02::%lo0/32        ::1

Everything appears to be valid. But if I put in /etc/mygate, I 
could get internet.
Is this BGP?

Side comments?


$sudo bgpctl -n show summary

> On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 01:37:28PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Anyone,
>> I have one OpenBGP machine running OpenBGPd that is currently connected
>> to the Internet running OpenBGPd.  Furthermore, it has two NIC
>> interfaces. The external NIC is designated as xl0(3com) whereas the
>> internal NIC is rl0(rtlink). From the internal NIC, I connected it to
>> another OpenBSD machine running OpenBPGd. I run ospfd and bgpd in these
>> two machines. The results for both bgpctl and ospfctl showed that bgp
>> and ospf is working.
>> But from the OpenBSD machine behind the one that has internet
>> connection, I cannot ping the internet. I added entries in
>> /etc/resolv.conf and an entry /etc/sysctl.conf has been commented out.
>> Yet still not working. Any tips for this? I
> Check the RIB and the kernel routing table. Do the routes look ok? Is the
> fib coupled? Is the nexthop valid? Does the RIB on your secondary bgpd
> look OK -- valid, correct nexthop?
> --
> :wq Claudio

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