Jeff Rollin wrote:
 Also as I understand it, they cannot work
under NDA's, so any specs released to them would be released to the public.
They say quite the opposite at

   Q: How are you going to write a GPL driver by signing an NDA? Is it
   going to require
   a binary blob or some other way of obfuscating the code?

   A: No, not at all. I have written many drivers after signing NDAs
   with companies.
   They are usually signed either to keep information about the device
   private until it
   is announced at a specific date, or to just keep the actual
   specification documents
   from being released to the public directly. All code created by this
   NDA program
   is to be released under the GPL for inclusion in the main kernel
   tree, nothing
   will be obfuscated at all.

Jack J. Woehr
Director of Development
Absolute Performance, Inc.
303-443-7000 ext. 527

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