On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 09:38:51AM -0700, Steven wrote:
> Hi,
> I happened to see this on the slashdot rss feed, and out of
> curiosity took a look.
> Free Linux Driver Development FAQ
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/02/13/0220233&from=rss
> Is this bad news for the OpenBSD developers efforts to free hardware
> documentation?  If it is, how can OpenBSD users, and users of other
> FOSS, help?
> -- 
> W. Steven Schneider  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I read the same thing in the German 'linuxuser' magazin this morning, if
I were the hulk, everything would have went green.

Seriously WTF are those guys thinking? Nothing?
There is no use to binary source drivers, they are not free/usable,
whether they are distributed as binaries by the vendor, or written under
NDAs doesn't make a difference at all.

You know what happends when I tell my linux friends?
Their argumentation goes along the lines of:
"You shouldn't be such a idealist, be more pragmatic".
Damn it!

<cut 70 lines of green anger>

Okay sorry, there is no use the preach to the saints here, but what
should one do against it?

Good moment to once more thank the OpenBSD devs for their
'long term pragmatics' instead of short lived 'well, now it works'.


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