On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 09:50:07PM +1100, atstake atstake wrote:
| My named doesn't bind to my private IP and only binds to localhost.
| starting BIND 9.3.2-P1
| command channel listening on
| command channel listening on ::1#953
| I already have the listen-on option in /var/named/etc/named.conf file
| pointed to my private IP.
| options {
| listen-on {; };
| allow-recursion { clients; };
| };
| If I do a "named -c /var/named/etc/named.conf" it gives error -
| none:0: open: /var/named/etc/named.conf: file not found
| loading configuration: file not found
| But the file is there and all files under /var/named are root:named.
| My "/var/named/etc/named.conf" symlinks to /etc/named.conf. And if I
| start bind typing "named" it starts on by reading
| /etc/named.conf by default.
| Also, if I do "named -c /etc/named.conf -g" it actually listens on my
| private IP along with localhost. Netstat output -
| *.*
| Any help would be appreciated.

Named is chrooting to /var/named by default. You could try named -t /
-c /var/named/etc/named.conf, but I think you already found the
solution yourself. Just use named -c /etc/named.conf. Check your
'regular' /etc, I doubt there's a named.conf in there.

Read named(8), especially the parts that talk about chroot'ing.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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