On Thu, Feb 15 2007 at 55:23, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> >i've read about using the route-to to balance outbound connections in 
> >the pf address pools docs, but i don't see this being immediately 
> >helpful for hosting purposes since the inbound connections should come 
> >in on both netblocks in the case that the load is spread over the two 
> >connections.
> Any why not. The outgoing is not relevant to your incoming. You request 
> a URL that is pretty small in size, but your reply is the one that have 
> all the content. Yes, you can do round robin for incoming, or use the 
> most reliable one for incoming, etc. But you are concern about sending 
> your traffic out from the hosting site and that's your load right there. 
> Send it the way you see fit on your connection. Doesn't matter the path 
> it takes to reach back the end users. Then balance your connections with 
> PF the way you see fit.
> There is nothing wrong with that. Use your most reliable for incoming, 
> and split the outgoing on both.

This can be very problematic if your ISPs are running antispoofing
protections (they should, they rarely do). The other problem I see in
that setup is the asymetric routing it creates. It can be another source
of problems later.  Please, try to check with a temp server (with one of 
your free IP) before putting this configuration in production 


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