No, I'm not seeing this, can you mail me any
details? your setup, how big, Got a core file? etc?

        you mention you have debug logging on, can you
capture a debug level syslog? if so can you pinpoint
where it stops and show me?



* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-17 19:54]:
> Hi,
> are there any known security or buffer issues with spamd in debug logging mode
> in the current 4.0 release?
> spamd quits without any error message regularly, sometimes it even hangs.
> As a workaround I wrode a litte shell watch-daemon script (,
> automatically checking and restarting the service if it get's down.
> Maybe anyone has a hint what may cause the trouble or has already faced 
> similar
> problems.
> - Flo
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which 
> had a name of spamd.log]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which 
> had a name of]

if ((not 0 && not 1) !=  (! 0 && ! 1)) {
   print "Larry and Tom must smoke some really primo stuff...\n"; 

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