On 2/20/07, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Ter, 2007-02-20 at 15:07 -0600, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> i have seen a number of spammer outfits doing this: following the RFC
> and retrying until the spam gets though and they're whitelisted, then
> they're free to push crap through. any thoughts on how to best combat
> this behavior besides spamassassin + amavisd (i.e. wasting cpu cycles
> and bandwidth)?

At the risk of being flogged to death for posting YA post to this
thread, if you think spam protection ends with greylisting, you're
asking for it :)

You could, for instance, use greylisting as first policy, then
blacklist, then spam checkers, anti-virus checkers, wotnot checkers,

Remarkable how these discussions inevitably result in several people
stating the obvious. No one has made the claim that greylisting is the
only solution needed, nor has anyone stated that it will remain
effective until the end of time.

The point has been made that it still *is effective* and as long as it
remains so it will be a good measure to use.

The fact remains that after 3 and a half years spammers as a whole
have not outwitted greylisting. The facts speak for themselves; those
who actually implement spamd see a sharp reduction in spam deliveries.

What more do you want?


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