On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Watson Crick wrote:

I've got OpenBSD 4.0 (release) on a laptop setup up as a router between 2 subnets, and providing internet access through a 3rd nic to a DSL modem. The problem is the bandwidth between the two subnets. I'm only getting a maximum of about 500 KB/s between two 100mbit cards. Top shows ~70% interrupt (~29% idle) while these transfers are going on. I don't know what the bottleneck is in the system. Are the Linksys PCMCIA nics crappy? Did I screw something else up?

Try http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html#Tuning.

Increase net.inet.tcp.{send,recv}space.

Try this before worrying about your hardware.

Kyle George

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