Kian Mohageri a icrit :
On 4/16/07, Ronnie Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bryan Vyhmeister a icrit :
On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:58 AM, Ronnie Garcia wrote:

Clint Pachl a icrit :
Ronnie Garcia wrote:
Do you expect doing more than 100mbits with this hadware (with PF
anabled) ?
I'm maxing a P4 2.4Ghz at 40mbits, with a dual em, and a ~300 lines
What is your packets/sec when your pushing 40Mbs? Does the traffic
flow in one em and out the other or is the dual em in a trunk (i.e.
Traffic gets in one em, is filtered by pf, and gets out from the other
em (and the other way around).
Its doing 11kpps in and 6kpps out of each em, plus 7kpps on the pfsync
interface, which is a sis
This brings up a question I have had for a while. Does pfsync generate
enough traffic that running gigabit cards for your $ext_if and $int_if
and a 100base-TX card for your pfsync interface cause a major

It depends on the rate of the states changes.
Here, we have ~30mbits on pfsync, for ~40mbits of traffic (!)

On our college campus with 50Mbps, we see ~8Mbps pfsync traffic.
Your ratio amazes me...  What type of environment is that in?

Content delivery (web servers, streaming).
Approx 100 servers.

Ronnie Garcia <r.garcia at ovea dot com>

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