On 28/04/07, Maurice Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 23:45:51 +0200, Maurice Janssen wrote:
>Some progress was made in the last couple of days.  First results are up
>at ftp://ftp.su.se/pub/mirrors/openbsd_stable/
>I hope to add amd64, alpha and hppa in the near future.  I don't have
>the hardware to build other architectures.
>If someone can help building one of the missing architectures, please
>let me know.
>Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Judging by the number of reactions, nobody seems to be interested.
I don't mind putting some time and effort into building these releases
if people find them useful.  But when nobody cares, then there are other
things I can do in my spare time.  I would appreciate some feedback.

I'm extremely interested in binary updates as I don't yet have the resources
to put together a build server and compiling updates in qemu is very painful.

Until these binaries are trusted by the OpenBSD project though (which is
to say, possibly never), I can't really afford the risk of putting them on
live machines. Sorry.

I expect you'll receive other replies along the same lines.


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