I have some update on this one. It's not fix, but I was finally able to isolate how that problem is trigger. May be fix now, I don't know, but I am passing the informations in case it's useful and also if someone could tell me if there was a logic behind it and if yes it would not happen in newer release.

What happen is so far 5 times I have the server crash, or I should say, freeze and sometime with the display showing

> extend_alloc_supregion: can't allocated region

Spelling may be wrong a bit as it was from a voice mail I give myself as I didn't have a pen to right down with and there wasn't anyway to access the keyboard, or console. All was frozen and no key was doing anyway.

This is on 3.9 and the dmesg was send before on this thread.

Now what's going on is the server stop responding, no access, no console, no keyboard, only reset will bring it back. But the broadcom network cards still answer to ping, so it didn't allow my CARP setup to kick in sadly here.

Now I did put in place a few trap and logs to try to see what's causing this as I had some ideas before, but wasn't sure to pass that along. However now I am.

Each time, all 5, it was cause when I have a script that run well for 4 years, but as traffic grow on this web server so does the logs as well.

Every time, I process the logs with webalizer, no problem what so ever. Then a few customers wants the awstats version. So, I process that as well, however it's also processing multiple logs, but when the awstats PERL stuff kicks in, it does get the resources to the roof and badly so, that so far it had the impact of freezing the server as a results of this.

Now, why PERL would do this, I have no clue, but it does anyway in the usage done by awstats.

So far I reproduce this 5 times, so it's pretty consistent.

What may cause this, I do not know more, but look like when PERL needs to process huge amount of data, it end up affecting the server in ways to make it crash/freeze.

No,w that I was able to isolate the cause I will proceed the upgrades to 4.0 as I still don't have my CD for 4.1 yet, so I can't do that. It was order a long time ago, but with a book as well that was taken out now. So, I expect that to be the cause of the delay.

Anyway, any feedback as to how PERL may cause this and what may be done to avoid this?

Hope this is useful to some and if not, then sorry for the noise.



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