On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 12:41:33PM -0700, John Mendenhall wrote:
> > Or, perhaps, the drive is just going bad.  I would have
> > expected errors on installing the os if that were the
> > case.
> We have done a low level disk format using an ultimate
> boot cd.  Didn't output any errors.  Did this on both
> drives in the system.  Took a very long time.
> Then, tried to install the OS.  Received a panic on
> installing the comp set, ffs_valloc dup alloc.
> Reconfigured to have all install go to one drive.
> Same error, different inode.  Tried all on other drive,
> same error, different inode.  Kept trying it over and
> over.  Always panicked on comp set.  Always same error
> of ffs_valloc dup alloc.  Always a different inode.
> I am unable to copy in the actual error.  I just have
> this on a monitor in the room.  No console capability.
> Same dmesg as before in this thread.  I can post again
> if needed.
> My question is, to debug this, or fix it, do I need
> to start swapping out cables, hard disks, motherboard,
> etc?  Any hints or suggestions are appreciated.

Running memtest86 is pretty painless, so that's usually a good first


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