On Sat, 9 Jun 2007 00:28:08 +0200
Marc Balmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Rico Secada wrote:
> > What do you think of The BSD Certification Group at bsdcertification.org?
> It is as useless as MSCE and all the other vendor certificates.  I would
> even go so far to claim it's a lot worse than a Microsoft or Cisco
> certificate.
> This is not backed by any industry, it just reflects what some people in
> the BSD community think would be needed to do a day job.

My point exactly. 

Darren Spruell wrote: "Then take a look at the names affiliated with the 
organization, and the people that are putting effort into furthering a 
BSD certification track and the reasons why. Many of the names you should 
recognize as contributors in our community."

Contributors in our community yes, but this doesn't mean that a BSD 
certification is worth the money they charge.

What it serves in my opinion, especially if the industri was backing it, 
is a way to keep very skillful people from getting a job! Not the opposite.

A lot of people can't afford some 10 different certificates just to prove 
something which a certificate in reality doesn't prove anyway.
> bsdcertification.org is there to boost the ego of it's members only.
> There is no real value in it.

Perhaps I am mistaken about the "them making money part", but I agree 
with this. No value!

Best regards


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