
I am running OpenBSD 4.1 on a firewall/router.

For some unknown reason (to me), whenever I start the command

nice route monitor

after a little while, I begin to get an enormous quantity of
messages like:

got message of size 104 on ...
RTM_MISS: Lookup failed on this address: len 104, table 0, pid: 0,
seq o, errno 0m flags:<DONE>
locks:  inits:
sockaddrs: <DST>

When it happens, I notice that named begins to take over the CPU,
holding more than 70% of it.

Even if I flush PF with pfctl -F all, the problem continues to

My question are:

1. Is this address an IPv6 one? Can I find out who is asking for
it and why?

2. How can I tell named not to deal with IPv6?




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