On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 04:45:34PM -0400, Alex Feldman wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> I'm sorry for the delay. I don't have always time to got through mailing
> list.
> It is not so clear that the crash related to Sangoma driver. I would like to
> see the crash dump at that moment. This will help me to resolve the issue.

I included the trace and other information in my original message to the list.
You can see it in the archives here:


I also submitted that information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from

There are two resons I believe it is the Sangoma driver causing the

The first is the message from Theo that you can read in the archives


where he said "I suggest you call [Sangoma]".

The second being the logs.  They are in the messages linked above, but
just before the router locked up there were san messages in
/var/log/messages and on the console there is "san2: LCP keepalive

Is there some additional information that you need that I can provide?
I believe everything is in that first message linked above.  I am not
sure what triggers this problem and it has not happened again since the
times mentioned in that email so it is fairly difficult to debug.

I worry that it will happen when I am not available to restart it and so
would like to get it resolved.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A printer consists of three main parts:
        the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.

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