> # cat ipsec.conf
> ike dynamic from any to any \
>  main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>  quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des psk TheSecret

this should be "ike passive from ..."

roger that...

# cat ipsec.conf
ike passive from any to any \
main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des psk TheSecret

The INVALID_COOKIE messages have been replaced with this:

# isakmpd -K4dv
092755.013577 Default isakmpd: phase 1 done: initiator id ac1e0114:, responder id ac1e0101:, src: dst: 092755.017234 Default responder_recv_HASH_SA_NONCE: peer proposed invalid phase 2 IDs: initiator id ac1e0114:, responder id ac1e0101: 092755.017569 Default dropped message from port 500 due to notification type NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN 092758.020965 Default responder_recv_HASH_SA_NONCE: peer proposed invalid phase 2 IDs: initiator id ac1e0114:, responder id ac1e0101:

The proposal messages repeat until Mac timeout or I cancel. ipsecctl - m shows nothing.

I had a similar proposal error when 'main auth' was set to 'enc aes'. I increased the reporting level of isakmpd and noticed a message that said something to the effect of "client proposed 3DES, expected AES". That was when i changed my encryption type to 3DES. I see no such hints from isakmpd during the invalid phase 2 exchange.

I tried altering my ipsec.conf to try different encryption algorithms for phase 2. 3des, aes, aesctr, and blowfish all report the same proposal error. I shall try changing the authentication method.

If i change anything in the phase 1 section 'main', phase 1 fails.

My continued thanks for any assistance

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