John Nietzsche wrote:
> Dear list members,
> is there plans for openbsd to support multi terabyte filesystems?

there is desire.  There is work being done.

> Which release should i expect to see such support?

The release it is ready for.

What do you want someone to say?
For example, do you want me to say, "It will be ready by 4.3"?
If so, you have two choices:
  1) Base your decisions around it. (what if I'm wrong?  What
     if it isn't ready?  You are screwed.)
  2) Assume I'm an idiot, and don't believe me. (why did you ask?)

In short: there is no answer you can be given that will sanely make
your life better.

Here's your measure: when it's in -current, it will be in the next
-release, unless horrible problems are found that can't be fixed in
time for the release.  Whether or not it is ready for your app, that
you will have to decide by putting it to your own tests.

File system work is scary.  It requires a measure of brilliance and
optimism in a rare combination.  Usually when people have that much
brilliance, they look at the risks and run screaming in terror.

The question of "why" is quite valid.  Most applications I can
think of for multi-TB file systems could be better done with several
small file systems.  At work, we have an app that will create massive
amounts of data over its life span, running on an OS that DOES
support multi-TB partitions.  With less than 300GB in use currently,
people are starting to appreciate my advice to keep the partitions
well under 1TB in size...and 500GB is starting to look really,
really big.


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