On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 20:51:33 -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:

>Also, though spamd works GREAT, it is what it is. As I mentioned above,
>it will not stop spam from real mail servers, whether open relays or
>spam house servers. You may get to the point where you do want to add
>ports/packages). I deal with a few different domains. On some I need
>more filtering, and on others I use only spamd. Don't add extra stuff
>unless you find you need it. Even so, having spamd take the major brunt
>will let you do additional filtering without needing a beefy server.

Well I host two domains here and spamd stops plenty of mail from real
servers or spambots that use the host's idea of an outbound MX.

I do NO content inspection whatsoever and spam into mailboxes is almost

I hate spam but my philosophy is that deleting one spam every week or
so (actually I'm getting less than one a month) is better than losing
genuine mail and hardly qualifies as a stressor.

The default blacklisting of China and Korea is OK for me as I haven't
had work in Korea since well before spamd came along.

Greytrapping, using Bob Beck's list plus a bunch of locally harvested
never-been-used addresses that seem to be on many spam target lists,
added to the OK domains feature that came with 4.1, does the rest.

It can be a bit of a pain dealing with the outbound server pools but I
usually spot spamdb telling me that it has the one sender/ one target
combo listed from several IPs and then I go and get the pool details
(if I can) and whitelist it. Most get through eventually.

Content inspection is "playing catchup" and most of the well heeled
spammers own a bunch of hardware filters (Barracuda etc) and run
Spamass and other cpu wasters. All of them are kept right up to date
and the mailings are rapidly changed to address the latest hurdles.

I see this because I keep one remote mailbox entirely unfiltered in
another domain. It gets NO genuine mail but its address has been put
invisibly on webpages and seeded onto similar locations. Mostly I just
junk the entire contents regularly, but on an idle day I have a sniff
at a few to see what the bastards are up to. Very educational.

Of course there are poorboys who don't have any track on the latest
bayesian-guessing toys and they seem to persist but they don't get
through here either so why waste cycles?

It's all a judgement call but I'm very happy with what the devs have
provided for our use.

I only use one BL lookup on the MX and that is zen.spamhaus.org but I
never seem to see hits from it anyway.

Good luck!

>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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