hmm, on Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 12:58:09AM -0600, Alvaro Mantilla Gimenez said that
>    I need to install an LDAP server in my job. I am, obviously, an 
> OpenBSD guy but my boss wants to install the server with HP-UX. I need 
> to probe him that OpenBSD is a better solution than HP-UX but google 
> doesn't show a truly comparative between this two OS and there is a 
> "poor" information about the HP-UX skills doing this role. The price for 
> the "solution" (HP-UX or OpenBSD) does not matter this time, so the 
> argument "OpenBSD is OpenSource and the other is a propietary Unix $$" 
> is not an acceptable argument.

hard to believe there are still companies who are willing to waste
money this way...

let's look at a cursory TCO comparison:

1. which hp-ux?
the last mohican PA-RISC or the no-one wants me Itanium?
do you already have the hw or are you going to buy it?
how expensive will it be to replace something that leaks
it's smoke (i.e. stops working)? will you be able to replace
it without a hp technician?

2. support
are you going to buy a support contract?
(because we have one, i don't know if patches and updates
are freely available without this contract...)  where
can you go for help besides official support?  ever tried
to solve an obscure hp-ux problem?  except the hp forums
you are pretty much on your own...

if you are primarily an bsd/linux person as opposed to a sysv4
hp-ux person, how much will you have to learn to move comfortably
inside the system and do your work? will you start your job with
a 3 week hp training course (hp-ux for advanced unix admins,
hp-ux networking 1,2,3 and so on, and so on)?
3. software availability
hp-ux is a quite typical commercial unix, userland is ancient,
gnu stuff in semi-official packages and miles behind openbsd's
port system, prepare to compile stuff and look for help compiling

having said that we have a couple of netscape ldap servers here,
mostly because of inertia: thery are too old to touch.
but the main ldap servers are already linux boxen...

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