Hello all,

I bought D-Link G650 (ath) - which is present in
http://openbsd.org/i386.html list.

When I put this card into my laptop (Toshiba Satellite S6157) and try boot 
-current (GENERIC) I
get panic message at the end of boot.

========================= panic message =========================
# panic: pmap_remove_ptes: managed page without PG_PVLIST for
Stopped at     Debugger+0x4: leave
========================= panic message =========================

========================= show registers =========================
ds 0x10
es 0xd2000010 kernel_text+0x10
fs 0xe6430058
gs 0xe6430000
edi 0xd06a2200 i386_cpuid_ecxfeatures+0x780
esi 0xe6436b08
ebp 0xe6436adc
ebx 0
edx 0
ecx 0xd074fa64 kprintf_mutex
eax 0x1
eip 0xd045ee6c Debugger+0x4
cs  0x8
eflags 0x202
esp 0xe6436adc
ss 0xe6430010
Debugger+0x4: leave
========================= show registers =========================

I don't have serial console for "trace" and "ps" output, but I have
Photo Camera :)

========================= ps =========================
ps output there http://eject.name/openbsd/ps.jpg

========================= trace =========================
trace output there http://eject.name/openbsd/ps.jpg

Please give me know if I can help more in resolving this bug.
Best regards,
 Evgeniy                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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