Tomas wrote:
Hi list,

Watching the thread about startup script I thought of a question about shutdown script. Is it necessary to shutdown certain services when machine goes down? Like for example mysql, dovecot, clamav, amavis or openvpn. I've never saw anybody do that. Lots of people on their manuals, tutorials or posts writes how to start mysql, but none of then writes a shutdown script. So maybe it is not so necessary? (But then again, mysql is a database engine, and databases should be handle with care).

$ man rc.shutdown

Up to you. I shut down almost all daemons in it. Again, you can call your own scripts, e.g:

echo -n ' mailman'
/usr/local/lib/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -q stop
sleep 30

echo -n ' mailgraph'
/usr/local/site/sbin/mailgraphctl stop > /dev/null

echo -n ' squid'
/usr/local/sbin/squid -k shutdown

echo -n ' dovecot'
pkill dovecot

echo -n ' apache'
apachectl stop

echo -n ' postfix'
/usr/local/site/sbin/postfixctl stop

echo -n ' viagrad'
su -m _viagrad  /usr/local/site/libexec/viagrad/viagrad stop

echo -n ' named'
rndc stop

echo '.'

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