On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:14:46 +0300, Liviu Daia wrote:

>On 25 September 2007, RW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My defence was to write a couple of scripts. One parsed the output of
>> spamdb looking for GREY with sender <> and then tested the intended
>> recipient against the postfix valid mailbox database.
>    With Postfix you can use anvil(8) to control concurrency.

Yep, you could. BUT
1- why let it get to postfix? This is crap that spamd can deal with,
with a bit of scripting help for extra functionality.

2- What concurrency?
We had a mailstorm of backscatter from hundreds of IPs each trying to
send one or two messages. We had over a thousand IPs marked TRAPPED in
spamdb at one time. Postfix would just be rejecting them and filling
its logs.

As far as I'm concerned filling the logs of mailservers that are
backscatter generators is A Good Thing .

In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain
The Word of Rod.

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