> Wouldn't it be win-win if people there could buy DVD (with more data on
> it, i.e. needing less downloads) and an agreement could be made that XX
> $ (enough to compensate for the not-sold CDs) for each DVD sold are paid
> to OpenBSD?

        No, it wouldn't. The project has already contemplated making DVD
releases, but the fact is what we have fits currently on what we ship.

        Having said that CD sales are lagging badly this release, and are 
the financial health of the project. If you want OpenBSD to continue, you 
should be buying
official CD's. You certainly should not be worried about download volume, and 
attempts to make your own releases and sell them only put the project in more 
duress. You want to help? go on to the CD site and order 20 or 40 and resell in 
philippines - Don't try to pirate the artwork to make your own release and 
screw everything


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