On Monday 08 October 2007 21:57, Tony Bruguier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for all the help so far. I successfully installed OpenBSD today. I
> can access my machine via ssh and sftp provided I am on the same subnet.
> But as soon as I go home, then I can't anymore.
> Any pointers?
> Tony

If you configured the firewall it probably is not configured to allow access 
from an external IP. If someone is at your house you can have them attempt to 
reach your bsd box, and if you have executed 
        tcpdump -nei pflog0

then it will show your home IP as a deny (provided the blocks have the log 

Provided pf is running, there needs to be a PASS rule. Something like:


pass in log on $WAN proto tcp from $Home to $WAN port 22 

That would allow you and only you in. Of course if you have a dynamic IP then 
it will change. If that's the case you can use dyndns.net or .com(?) to 
always track which IP you have at home.


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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