> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antti Harri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, 15 October 2007 6:24 PM
> To: Edwards, David (JTS)
> Cc: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: : Which remvable drive is connected to which USB port
> Hi,
> I haven't followed this thread but this sounds like
> similar to the problem I had with USB printers.
> I had several and turning them randomly on made them have
> different ulptX device. I made a script for hotplug
> that creates symlink that points to the right
> device node. So, if you modify my script and
> use disklabel and labels beforehand, maybe it will
> help you.
> See for more details:
> http://users.openbsd.fi/iku/opensource/hotplug-1.1.tar.gz

Thanks for that.  I didn't actually want to use hotplugd
if I could help it as I was trying for a different

I was hoping to use physical lables on the USB disks
with labelled USB cables but I've just found out during
testing that the connection between a USB device and a
physical cable is not as simple as I first thought.

I unplugged all the disks and plugged one back into
a labelled port.  That port used to be /dev/usb4 "addr 5".
but it seems it's now /dev/usb4 "addr 3" and "addr 5" doesn't
seem to exist anymore.

Looks like I'm going to have to use disklabel to label each
disk and hotplug to mount them.  The backup script will
have to check the mount point to make sure the disk is
mounted and unmount it after the backup is finished.

In other words, the script I posted earlier is useless

My problem now is to figure out how to get our people
to work with this.  Preparing a new USB disk is not going
to be easy for them.  I'm probably going to have to write
a web interface for it <sigh>.

Thanks for the help everyone!

Dave Edwards

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