
Been trying in vain to get daap/mdns traffic through my OpenBSD 4.1
firewall to talk to my mt-daap server.

>From tcpdumping I can see the multicast traffic coming into sis1
interface but not coming out of the sis0 interface so I can only assume
that I have missed something.

At present I don't block out traffic (sis0) just in (sis1) on pf and
have the following simple (at present) rule to allow this traffic in:

pass in quick proto { tcp, udp } from any to port 5353 keep
state label "mdns"

I'm pretty certain its not pf getting in the way so my guess here is
that I need multicast routing enabled??  Been googling for info on this
to see if that was the case but can't find much on this of help.  Of
course I could be completely off here :o)

Any pointers greatly received.



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