On 10/24/07, L. V. Lammert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, it's YOU that missed the point! I never said or made any comparison
> to physical machines - the entirety of that I said is:
> "Running services/application domains in VMs increases security." As I
> said in a previous email, only an idiot would think that separatey
> physical machines would NOT increase security, and I give this crowd much
> more credit than that so I did not bother to include such information.
> I still stand by my original statement. Running application 'domains' in
> VMs instead of on a single server increases security.

What you're saying, appears to be:

1)  3 applications in one OS - less secure.
2)  3 applications in 3 physical servers - more secure
3)  3 applications in 3 virtual servers each running one OS - in
between #1 and #2 for security

What the others are telling you is that you are wrong.  While there is
a continuum, is it closer to #1 or #2?  I believe it is closer to #1.
This is because, nobody has done an independent security audit of the
VMWare ESX platform.  When we say something is more secure, we can
show it in 2 ways - a track history, like openbsd, or some 3rd party
verification, fips, orange book, certification, whatever.  ESX's
recent history is extremely damaging.  Again, go look up all the
advisories.  Taking over a guest allows taking over a host?!?!?!
Where is your "separation" again?!

And yes, you did not specify VMWare in your statement.  But the
vulnerabilities being exploited in VMWare shows that the same kind of
attacks can be made against other VMs.

And you do understand the history of how the x86 platform came to be,
right?  IBM wanted to dip their toe in that "microcomputer" thing that
had the world so excited.  Gave the head guy 9 months, or kill the
project.  So, the revisionists now adays say "we use off the shelf
products to be compatible" is bullshit, they had a strict time limit,
and could design and fab their own cpu and other things.  Looked
around, checked out the motorola and intel CPUs.  Hey, lookie here,
the intel cpu's spec book comes with an appendix full of interesting
shit.  Look, they even have a simple design for a microcomputer you
can build with their cpu.

So, IBM basically took that design, and built a PC, and sold it.  Why
do you think while IRQ 5 has higher priority than 6 (lower IRQ has
higher priorty), but IRQ 10 has higher priority than IRQ 5?!?!
Because the original design had *8* slots, and *8* IRQs, but a bunch
was taken up by the system, and so you couldn't actually use all 8
slots.  So, in PC/XT, they kludged something in.  And then the 8088 ->
8086 or thereabouts happened, what did Intel do?  Gee, we have this 32
bits of memory space, should we let them use it all?  Nah, just use 20
bits and mask the rest of that shit out.

So, the PC we have today is full of legacy shit, each piece lovingly
crafted on top of another, built like a freaking tower.

So, when Theo says the hardware itself is shit, and impossible to
virtualize, I believe him.  And when he says x86 virtualization is
shits because of the hardware, I believe him.  And when Secunia comes
out with all its advisories against ESX, wow, I guess Theo did know
what he was talking about.

"This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."
-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.

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